Friday, July 07, 2006

Nurses Seeking New Challenges Transition to Executive Management Roles Outside Hospital Walls

Nurses can also succeed outside a hospital environment. After spending many years applying their nursing skills to improve their patient's health, nurses see the bigger picture and want to improve the health systems to enhance patient care. Over the last several years, health consulting firms are constantly striving to expand their revenue sources and hospitals provide some of these opportunities.

After developing their area of specialty, nurses are successful as Project Managers, leading diverse teams of: clinicians, benefit consultants, actuaries and IT professionals. Besides consulting firms, government contractors and large insurance firms seek nurses with insight in design and development of care management programs in specific need areas. In addition to Project Management roles, other areas of specialty are: research, training programs, lecturer and author. Once a nurse determines they want a larger role in healthcare systems management, they may find that they can better affect positive changes outside hospital walls.

Submitted by:
Bud Mulcahy
Health Consultant
HCI Corporation

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