Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Cornelius Society

Dear Readers:

I'm interested in starting a discussion for those Christians in the group about a online accountability group for healthcare executives. We face so many choices in the decisions we make on a daily basis that it occurs to me we may benefit from colleague with whom we can share in our concerns and seek support from one another. Like Cornelius (the roman centurian who was a leader of men, yet fully trusting in the Lord, became a positive for for Jesus Christ) we are leaders in the modern day, yet also need to be trusting witnesses to the faith.

The Cornelius Society would:

1. Further the application of Christian Values for Healthcare Leaders

2. Engage in meaningful study of real life issues in healthcare leadership from a Christian World View

3. Provide a virtual think tank for Health Services Innovation among like-minded believers, and provide

4. Accountability Partners for Healthcare Executives, while also affording

5. Encouragement to Christian Leaders

Your thoughts?

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